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We pay the highest prices for any articles of value: gold, silver, diamonds, high-end watches, PlayStations, computers, Apple products, TVs, electronics, tools, antiques, collectibles, or even comic books. Bring your valuable items to us. Let us make you an offer you can't refuse. 


Looking for jewelry, watches or comic books? Check out our store on eBay, or give us a call. We might just have what you're looking for at a bargain.

Click to Our Online Store on eBay


If you need quick cash but don't want to sell anything, you can pawn it. We charge the lowest interest rate on loans. When your cashflow improves, you can redeem your items in pawn.  


We have a full-service jewelry repair facility that specializes in:

  • Chain soldering. Clasps replaced.

  • Watch links removed/added.

  • Tight rings made looseLoose rings made tight.

  • Prongs replaced. Tips rebuilt.

  • Heads replaced. Shanks replaced.

  • Stones tightened/replaced. Pearls restrung.

  • Cleaning/polishing included with any repair.



Wayne Cohen Hardcore Pawn Chicago

Wayne Cohen, Founder

Wayne comes from a family of pawn business. His father founded the business in the 1950s. 


The eldest of the Cohen brothers, Wayne likes to joke that he was conceived in the back room of his father’s old pawn shop.


Wayne goes out of his way to help people, and has earned the nickname “the pawnbroker with the heart of gold.”


Wayne and his son Nate starred in the 2013 hit reality TV show "Hardcore Pawn: Chicago" on TruTV. It premiered to over 2 million viewers, shattering the network's record. 

Aaron Cohen, Partner,

A-1 Jewelry & Pawn, Oak Park, IL


The oldest son of Wayne, Aaron runs A-1 Jewelry & Pawn, their store in Oak Park, IL.


Aaron was only 10 when he started working with his Dad so he knows the jewelry and pawn business like the back of his hand.


What Aaron loves the most is to buy and sell gold, diamonds and high-end watches. Over the years, Aaron has built up a loyal clientele.

Nate Cohen Wayne Cohen Hardcore Pawn Chicago Hammond Super Pawn

Nate Cohen, Manager,

Hammond Super Pawn, Hammond, IN

The youngest son of Wayne, Nate helps his father manage Hammond Super Pawn, their store in Hammond, IN.


Nate starred along with his father in TruTV's hit show "Hardcore Pawn: Chicago". 


They paid more for gold and diamond jewelry than any other places. Wayne really pays more!

- James, Chicago, IL

Wayne and Nate are real nice. They always take care of me and get me the best deal. 

- Kiara, Hammond, IN

Aaron always offers me the best prices for my gold, diamonds and watches. 

- Eli, Evanston, IL


Hammond Super Pawn

6715 Indianapolis Blvd
Hammond, IN 46324


Click to Call (219) 803-7600

Store Hours:
Monday to Friday 9 AM to 7 PM
Saturday 9 AM to 6 PM
Sunday 11 AM to 5 PM

Wayne Cohen Hardcore Pawn Chicago Hammond Super Pawn

A-1 Jewelry & Pawn

6151 West North Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60302


Click to Call (708) 383-1131

Store Hours:
Monday to Saturday 9 AM to 6 PM
Closed Sunday

A1 Jewelers & Loan Oak Park IL Wayne Cohen Hardcore Pawn Chicago

Hammond Super Pawn

6715 Indianapolis Blvd
Hammond, IN 46324

Click to Call (219) 803-7600

A-1 Jewelry & Pawn

6151 West North Avenue
Oak Park, IL 60302

Click to Call (708) 383-1131

© 2020-2024 by Wayne Cohen, Hammond Super Pawn, and A-1 Jewelry and Pawn.

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